NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

Kristy Bussard


My name is Kristy Bussard and I am a 56 year old mom who lives in Sunny South Florida. I have been married for 27 years and have four amazing healthy children. My family has personally overcome many health issues through prayer, education, and making necessary changes; that some would say were miraculous! I am Passionate about passing along information to help others achieve Health and Wellness!

Author of KISS “A Health Guide for People who like to keep it simple”

Certified Functional Nutrition Practitioner FNLP
Certified Food Addiction Professional  FAP 
NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Spinning® Instructor
Certified PIYO Beachbody® LIVE Instructor
Certified Power Plate Instructor
Certified Stretch and Breath Practitioner
NPC Body Building Figure Competitor