NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

The Vitality Program

This program is for that person that may or may not be overweight, but you just feel tired most days. You lack motivation and experience feelings of depression, have trouble sleeping, brain fog, lack of clarity and trouble with recall, and worst of all digestive issues.
Vitality includes a blood chemistry analysis to give you a very specific and personal Nutritional profile that will suggest foods “your” body needs. I may not be able to claim a healing for you, but your immune system was made to heal you and I will help you get it as strong as possible to get you feeling well again and alleviate fatigue and other negative symptoms. Are you ready to work with me and get VITALITY back in your life again?
This package includes:
  • Blood chemistry analysis for your Personal Nutritional Profile- This profile takes the guess work out of guiding you in a nutrition plan that is best for your body based on the functioning of your glands and organs.
  • Once a week of Nutritional Consultations for guidance and progress (for one month)