NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418


My Wellness journey has been life changing because of you and a lot of personal perseverance.  From our initial consultation until now, you have given me a clear vision of how to take what I believed to be a healthy lifestyle to the next level; a stronger version of myself.
I’m overjoyed to say I’ve lost over 15lbs,  but more importantly, I feel mentally and physically stronger than ever!  From your comprehensive whole food meal plan, strategies to support safe detoxification, principles and relevant research to support the recovery of specific conditions, a complete fitness program, to your unwavering dedication as a Certified Personal Trainer and Wellness Practitioner, my body thanks you.
You have taught me that a healthy lifestyle needs to remain front and center, no matter what age and so it continues with my husband on board!  I (we) are thrilled to be on this wellness journey with you!
Patti L
I am grateful for my 40 day Journey for several reasons.I am 61 years old and since 2012 until 2020 I have been gaining weight.  To be completely honest when I moved to West Virginia in 2006 I weighed 114 lbs.   When I started the challenge on March 11, 2020 I was 170 lbs.   A total weight gain of  56 lbs. The main reason I went with the challenge was it was God’s choice for me for such a time as this. The difference maker is that Kristy covered me in prayer. My intention with the challenge was to see If I could even do it…and I did it. Also in all my life I have never done a 24 hr fast and I did that as well. I had very doable exercises that challenged me to be active everyday. My excitement about this challenge spread to my family and they did a lot of the challenge with me. My goal is probably to lose maybe 20 more pounds and perhaps be off any prescribed meds. God doesn’t waste anything.  I really never had a weight problem until about 2012 and always was a healthy eater. It has given me more compassion for the over 50 gang.  Kristy has always been about seeing the best in me.   I am grateful and thankful that God has a healthy and whole plan for us.
When I started the challenge, I weighed 170 pounds. 40 days later I weighed 164.6. I lost 5.4 pounds. I am still eating clean and doing my exercises as often as I can.
I am glad He chose Kristy as part of His plan for me.
I had almost resigned myself to the fact that I was overweight.  I felt defeated.  I was depressed and didn’t feel well most days.  Some days, I wasn’t even able to get out of  bed, and when I was able, it was a struggle.  I pushed myself to go to work, to make dinner for my family, to do the laundry, get groceries, etc.  Most days, getting through my work day was the best I could manage.  I couldn’t wait to come home and get in my bed.  I was so fatigued.   My body hurt all over.  It was difficult to stand up from a seated position because my knees ached.  My ankles; my whole body ached.  I was lethargic and suffered from headaches.   It was a rare occasion for me to feel well enough to enjoy any family time or extra curricular activities (that I used to enjoy).  I suffered with what doctors determined was chronic fatigue.  I tried gabapentin for my body pain. The side effects were worse. I felt anxious, confused and scared. I stopped immediately.  I  made changes to my diet and tried other healthy alternative treatments from the vitamin store.  Nothing worked.  I wondered how much longer I could go on like this and if I would eventually have to quit my job.   When I spoke to Kristy, she assured me she could help.  I was encouraged and felt hopeful for the first time in years. She gave me a detox plan to follow which was fairly easy for me because I had mostly been a healthy eater except for craving sweets.  I followed her 40 day detox plan and the weight started coming off.  Just 1 pound at first.  Kristy then added some exercises to my plan.  This was tough because I still wasn’t feeling well but I pushed through it the best I could.  Kristy then encouraged me to have my blood work done.  I was hesitant because I had recently had it done and everything was fine.  She took the time to explain how working with her doctor is different than working with my primary care doctor.  The blood work her doctor orders will reveal a bigger picture of my health and go deeper.  I trusted her and moved forward.  It took quite a while for the blood work to come back due to Covid, but it was worth the wait.  The doctor scheduled a phone consult and he discussed the details with me.  I had an under active thyroid and was depleted in certain hormones.   He advised treatment and had my meds sent to me in the mail.  It was simple and efficient.  Within 3 days of starting, I noticed a difference.   By the end of the first week everything had changed.  I had energy, clarity of thought, no body pain, no headaches, and the depression was gone!   Not only that, but I reached my weight loss goal!  It feels soo good to look and feel good in my clothes again!   I’m now on my second month of treatment and I continue to follow Kristy’s eating plan.  I am able to enjoy and manage my life again, which is priceless!  I’m even considering going back to school which would have never been an option for me before I met Kristy and her team.  I am grateful beyond words.     Blessings!
On Thursday December 11th I woke up feeling really bad. I was really stressed out. I had a string of Holiday parties over the next 4 days. I was busy at work. My kids had exams and then we were traveling out of the country for the holidays. I thought the pain I was feeling was heart burn which I thought I was suffering from time to time. I went to work feeling miserable and wondered how I would make it to party that night. I tried taking tums/zantac and drinking ginger ale but the only thing that seemed to help was eating or drinking nothing! Friday continued like Thursday and somehow I made it to my husbands office party but was miserable. On Saturday morning my pain was unbearable. I felt like my torso was in a vice and someone was turning it tighter and tighter. I spoke to my mother that morning and she thought I might be having a gall bladder attack(she had her gall bladder removed before I was born) and suggested I go to an urgent care facility. I went told them my symptoms and of my family history. My blood pressure was 161/95. They wondered how long I have been suffering form high blood pressure and asked how often I had panic attacks (which I have never had either), They and me home with an Rx of Omeprazole for heartburn. They never touched my body near my gallbladder to see if it was tender or distended, order blood work or an ultrasound. They could have not been more wrong and today I am grateful for their errors!
I spent the day in bed writhing in pain worse than childbirth.
On Sunday the I woke up feeling not 100% but much better. My husband left on Monday in the hopes that we would meet him the following Saturday. I was still feeling weak but again better than Sunday. During the course of the day I spoke to my friend who is a nurse and she said she could not allow me to get on the long flight without having a doctor check out the high blood pressure. She was worded if I was hypertensive I could have a stroke on flight. I made an appointment for Tuesday with an internist.
On Tuesday it was quickly determined that I was suffering from a gallbladder attack. I was sent for blood work and an ultrasound. The ultrasound technician could not believe that I said I felt better as the scan revealed an over inflamed organ with multiple stones. I called my husband who had finally arrived after 36 hours of travel to tell him that I would not be able to join him for the holidays because I might have to have surgery! He was devastated not only that we would not be joining him but that he wasn’t here to help out and it would take a few days to get back. He wanted us all to be together for Christmas. I was scheduled to see a surgeon on Wednesday. I met with the surgeon who scheduled me for a hyda scan at the hospital that afternoon. After completing the scan, the surgeon’s nurse called and said the doctor wants to see you at 8:00 tomorrow morning but not to cancel the trip. I was so hopeful and prayed that we would be able to go. I was feeling much better at this point. On Thursday morning I met with surgeon who said I would be able to postpone my surgury until January when I returned. I was cleared to travel and meet my husband.
Prior to getting sick I had agreed to try a 90 challenge after the holidays with Kristy. My friend that arranged it for us suggested I speak to Kristy prior to going to see if she had any dietary suggestions while I was away. I am so grateful for speaking to Kristy that day. She said “I know you don’t know me yet but you don’t need surgery”. We have almost identical family with our mothers and siblings have their gall bladders removed. Kristy said “I have the faith that food and God will heal you”. I truly believe that I was meant to meet Kristy at that time!
She gave me a step by step plan to detox my gallbladder and it worked! I passed at least 40 stones (that is all I was willing to count)! I felt fantastic after completing this detox and plan to do it once a year to keep my gallbladder healthy. I lost 15 pounds in the process and have more energy than I have had in years.


The surgeon was furious that I did not want to schedule a procedure. I called my internist and explained what I did. I said I would not schedule a surgery unless I had another ultrasound first. They said another ultrasound was not necessary and to call back when the pain comes back. I truly believe that they ddi not want to have the proof in my chart that I healed myself!
Then I started on a meal plan that Kristy provided and started her burst workouts. I feel fantastic and have not had any trouble or pain with my gallbladder.
I am so grateful! I will recommend Kristy to anyone with dietary problems!