NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418


Change Means Choose

Webster defines “Choice” as “an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.”
I love choice. I believe this is what sets us apart from all other species on the earth, and yet I have to believe, based on our current health crisis in this country; that people either choose to be sick, or they just don’t know they have a choice. So which will it be for you? Read on and you can determine that.
Processed foods are those foods that have been changed from their original state. I call them “fake foods” because most of them really don’t nourish the body at all and substitute what is “real” food. Examples of Processed foods would be: crackers, pasta made from flour, breads, chips, cookies, cakes, Danish, all dairy sold in stores, processed meats (hot dogs, lunch meats, chicken nuggets) etc…
Whole foods are foods that are still in the same form as they were created or grown. Examples of whole foods are: Chicken (not nuggets), beef (real beef, not from fast food place), raw dairy (not processed to death), nuts, fruits, vegetables, fish, wild game, etc….
Here are nine reason why you should “CHOOSE” to not eat processed foods:
1. They are highly addictive. These foods tend to overstimulate the production of dopamine, also known as the “pleasure” neurotransmitter, which makes you crave them constantly.
2. Often contain many toxins that destroy the internal organs and transmission of the brain.
3. Whole foods are actually cheaper than processed foods. People tend to think that processed foods are cheaper, but according to numerous studies and assessments, whole foods made from scratch end up costing less per serving than their unhealthy processed choices.
4. Processed foods cause chronic inflammation. One of the leading causes of chronic illness today is inflammation. Studies show that this inflammation is a result of eating refined sugars, processed flours, vegetable oils, and many other toxic ingredients commonly found in processed foods. Diabetes, heart disease, dementia, neurological problems, respiratory issues and cancer have ALL been linked to inflammation caused by eating processed foods.
5. Processed foods ruin digestion. Because they are stripped of natural fibers, enzymes, vitamins, and other nutrients, the body identifies them as a toxin and has to work hard to detox these substances from the body. It throws off the internal ecosystem of your gut harming beneficial bacteria and exposing your system to infection. It literally breaks down your body’s immune system, leaving it defenseless against disease.
6. They destroy your mind. A recent study out of Oxford University lends credence to the fact that eating junk (processed) food causes “brain fog”. It causes difficulty focusing or concentrating. Nutrient dense “whole foods” can actually level out your moods, sustain energy levels, and leave you able to focus and concentrate.
7. Processed foods are loaded with numerous toxins such as GMOs. Almost all processed food is derived from laboratories, not nature. Excess consumption of these “fake foods” causes toxic build up in your body which leads to a number of diseases, including cancer.
8. Processed foods are loaded with pesticides. We are already exposed to so many toxins in our society, why would you choose to consume them on purpose?
9. Processed foods are not actually foods. Real foods will rot or grow mold, while fake foods will stay basically the same no matter how old they are. It is synthetic and the manufacturers of these “fake foods” admit that it takes heavy tampering and crafty modifications to make it taste like real food.
So, back to my question. Do you have diabetes? Are you overweight? Do you have allergies and breathing problems? Do you have strange skin rashes? Do you get regular indigestion and bloating and gas and have irregular bowel movements? Do you have energy highs and lows? Do you have mood swings? Do you have arthritis? Are you fighting cancer? Are you having trouble focusing?