NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418


Why you should use coconut oil !

Virgin coconut oil contains abundant medium-chain fatty acids, which are more easily digested than long-chain fatty acids. Coconut oil also contains lauric acid, which is found in breast milk and has proven anti-fungal and antimicrobial properties.
Coconut oil contains saturated fat, which is the most stable of all fats, and as a result coconut oil does not go rancid when heated and does not form dangerous free radicals that can cause a multitude of illnesses.
Coconut oil, therefore, is wonderful to cook with and to eat. But that’s not all! Here are my favorite ways to incorporate coconut oil into my daily life.
1. Best lubricant ever. I’ll leave this one up to your imagination. Keep in mind that coconut oil is a natural anti-fungal agent. Clears up that yeast.
2. Hair de-frizzer Rub a small amount of coconut oil on hands and apply to those frizzy spots. Even helps maintain smooth ends on a humid day!
3. Oil pulling. An effective method of detoxification that involves swishing and rinsing coconut oil in your mouth. Great for those kids who brush a little too fast. Detoxes mouth and helps with bad breath problems too.
4. Bath oil. Add several tablespoons to bath water for added moisturizing. (I also add my favorite essential Oil for aromatherapy and added healing benefits)
5. Rashes. Coconut oil can have a soothing and healing effect on skin eruptions and rashes. Razor bumps gone!
6. Makeup remover. Use coconut oil to remove mascara, blush, eye liner, eye shadow, and lipstick!
7. Burns. Not only does it begin soothing the burn (even sunburn) right away, but it’s anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents help to keep burn from becoming infected.
8. Healthy “candy.” Combine 1 c. coconut oil, ½ cup raw honey, 1 tsp. vanilla, and 2 tbsp. chia seeds. Combine and heat until blended/melted. Pour into candy mold or mini muffin tins. Freeze.
9. Bug bites. Apply on affected area. Reduces skin irritation, swelling, and itching.
10. Face & body lotion. Use by itself or combine it with your favorite non-toxic lotion.
11. Goo Gone. Mix equal parts coconut oil and baking soda for a non-toxic version.
12. Yeast infections. Can be used internally to alleviate symptoms and eating it helps too.
13. Massage oil: I add my eucalyptus and frankincense Essential oil to it and it gets all that lactic acid moving out of my muscles and begins the repair process after a hard workout. And use just to remove stress and tightness from muscles.
14. Diaper rash. Coconut oil is soothing for baby and will help clear up any yeast rash or cradle crap. I use it in baby’s bath as a healthy alternative to baby lotion.
15. Nosebleeds. If prone to nosebleeds, coat the inside of your nostrils regularly to prevent future nosebleeds.
16. Pet boost. Add a spoonful to your dog’s or cat’s food as an immune booster.
17. Lip balm. Keep coconut oil handy in a small container to soothe lips.
18. Insect repellent. Combine coconut oil with tea tree oil and vanilla for a nontoxic bug repellent.
19. Cooking Oil. Because of the healthy amino acids in coconut oil, I use it for almost all my cooking needs. I use it in baked treats instead of butter, to coat the pan instead of cooking sprays, on popcorn, everything!
20. Brain food for Smoothie: My kids love this healthy smoothie as a treat, but I know it is full of healthy fats to feed the brain and help with focus and energy! (Frozen bananas, 2 tbsp. coconut oil, Isagenix chocolate whey protein, Whole organic milk (or raw milk) or Almond milk and a handful of organic leafy spinach) They won’t even know the spinach is in there.