NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418


Why Bone Broth Heals My Body

I’m a little embarrassed to say that I have actually been throwing out some of the healthiest food a person can consume. Bone broth. One of the staple foods my kids love to eat around the house is my homemade chicken salad. I cook a whole organic chicken in the crock pot for part of the day, then let it cool, pick all the meat off and mix it with my homemade mayonnaise. All those years I would just pour out all the hot broth down the drain, or even feed it to the dogs on top of their dog food; instead of saving it and making it into a soup; or even just consuming it as a broth! It’s one of those things where you just want to hit yourself! Oh well, time to move on and make today count. So what about you? Are you going to make it count for you and your family too?


Reason #1: Bone Broth Makes Your Joints feel great
“The health of your joints depends upon the health of the collagen in your ligaments, tendons, and on the ends of your bones. Collagens are a large family of biomolecules, which include glycosaminoglycan, very special molecules that help keep our joints healthy.” Bone broth is loaded with glycosaminoglycan (GAGs). In fact, I’m absolutely certain that you’ve heard of one of them — glucosamine. Yep, those supplements that seemingly everyone is taking for joint health contain one of the GAGs we get from consuming bone broth. I prefer Real Food over supplementation. When you consume broth you also get chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, and likely a bunch of other equally important GAGs that have yet to be discovered. What’s more, the GAGs we get from bone broth are resistant to digestion and are absorbed in their intact form. According to Dr. Cate, these intact GAGs like hormones, stimulating cells called fibroblasts which lay down collagen in the joints, tendons, ligaments, and even the arteries. It’s truly powerful stuff!
Reason #2: Bone Broth Makes Your Hair, Skin, and Nails super healthy
As we age, production of collagen declines and we start to see the outward signs of aging.
Bone broth will naturally increase collagen production in the body. Remember that collagen is also responsible for repair of muscles, so it’s great to consume before and after a hard workout.
Reason #3: Bone Broth Heals Your Gut!
Most people reading this blog right now are experiencing some kind of gastrointestinal challenge — gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, food sensitivities, leaky gut, or even autoimmune disease.
One of the most vital nutrients for healing the gut is gelatin. The intestinal lining is supposed to be permeable in order for nutrients to pass through. However, this lining can become too permeable due to lifestyle factors such as poor diet, stress, long-term contraceptive use, as well as bacterial and fungal overgrowths.
This is how leaky gut — or gut hyper permeability — works. Undigested food particles can slip through the gut lining and pass directly into the bloodstream. When this happens, the immune system reacts and starts attacking the very foods you eat — we call these food sensitivities.
Over time, this can turn into an autoimmune issue by which your immune system thinks your thyroid — or any other tissue, for that matter — looks like the piece of steak molecule it’s been fighting off for the past few years. Your body starts to attack itself.
According to our good friend Dr. Thomas O’Bryan, autoimmunity will soon be the number one cause of death in this country. Gut hyper permeability (Leaky Gut) is a big reason why.
What does bone broth have to do with any of this? The gelatin in bone broth covers and protects the excess holes in the gut lining. Bone broth should be part of any gut-healing protocol.
Reason #4: Bone Broth Reduces Your Need for Meat and Protein.
A study conducted in the 1800s demonstrated that when there is plenty of gelatin in the diet, the body’s need for protein from meat sources can be reduced by as much as fifty-percent!
We all know that purchasing quality meats can be hard on the wallet. The good news is that you can make bone broth for dirt cheap and thus save money on meat.
Reason #5: Bone Broth Helps Get the Toxins Out.
The liver is the master organ of detoxification. Unfortunately, it was never intended to withstand the very toxic, chemical nature of today’s world. The liver is certainly under assault on a daily basis, and its capacity to detoxify is limited by the availability of the amino acid glycine. Bone broth is loaded with glycine. The simplest form of detox a person can do is, quite simply, to drink nothing but bone broth for a couple of days.