NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418



I came across an article this week that detailed the results of a study released by Italy’s national health authority. The study found that 99% of those pronounced dead due to the COVID-19 outbreak were already struggling with chronic disease.

Now, that does not diminish the tragedy of those deaths, nor does it mean that COVID-19 is not meant to be taken seriously. The statistics will likely be different in America. However, it underscores a fact that our community has been advocating for years:

We need to get people healthy. End of story.

What do heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, stroke and cancer (to name a few) have in common? Scientists have linked each of these to a condition known as chronic inflammation, and they are studying how processed foods and excess body weight increases the risk for fatal disorders.

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to injury and outside irritants. But when the irritants don’t let up, because you are consuming them in the form of  processed foods, (too much body fat and smoking, for example), the immune system can spiral out of control and increase the risk for disease. Experts say when inflammation becomes chronic it can damage heart valves and brain cells, trigger strokes, and promote resistance to insulin, which leads to diabetes. It also is associated with the development of cancer.

Processed foods are everywhere – some are processed in order to slow spoilage and make for easy storage, others are there to make our life easier. Snack chips, candy, sodas, processed meats, cake mixes, breads (any bread on a shelf is bad for you regardless of what the advertisers want to call it….whole grain, multi-grain, etc.),  frozen dinners, and many other food items have been processed for our convenience. But, that convenience is costing us a lot in the way of healthy nutrients.

  • During processing, healthy nutrients, vitamins and minerals are removed
  • Processed foods contain more additives and preservatives
  • Processed foods are often high in sodium or sugar
  • Processed foods may contain hidden allergens
  • High-calorie, low-fiber processed foods contribute to overeating and weight gain because you don’t feel full as quickly as with high-fiber whole foods
  • Gram for gram, processed foods cost more

By contrast, whole foods are minimally processed before being consumed. The food is in its natural state, with all its vitamins and nutrients. The health benefits are numerous when selecting whole grains (plain old-fashioned oatmeal, live sprouted grain breads found in freezer section like Ezekiel Bread), whole unprocessed meats (not like hot dogs and sausage), and of course fruits and vegetables.

  • Rich in phytonutrients –plant chemicals that have protective or disease preventive properties.
  • Contain more vitamins and minerals than processed foods. Although some processing enriches foods with vitamins and minerals, overall whole foods are more nutrient dense
  • Contain more fiber and beneficial fats


The very small amount that genetics play in our diseased state will be in another article.  Epigenetics and Blue Zone studies have proven you can’t even blame your poor health on grandma and grandpa and mom and dad anymore.  We can literally change the DNA structure of the cells of our body with lifestyle change. (Eat whole foods and Exercise) 

I didn’t write this article to make anyone feel like I’m picking on them.  I wrote it to give someone FREEDOM from that belief that what you have is what you have.  You can re-write your genetic structure and “health story” as soon as you choose to make these changes.  Keep a food journal.  Where are you on the Processed food consumption scale? 

  1. Eat whole foods
  2. Exercise daily